Thursday, July 28, 2011

Is it possible... ?

Topic: "It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician."

I agree with the above statement. If a politician reveals the truth all the time, the nation will be filled with chaos. We think that if a politician speaks only truth, people would extol him. But the fact is, If the politician is taking a bold decision which fails by any chance people will fling him out of their mind. On the other hand, only lying should not be encouraged, because this will thrive the politician than the nation.

For example, If the government reveals the steps taken by the national security during war time it will be arduous than providing a resolution. In such cases telling a lie/ hiding it away from the public is merely effective to govern a nation in style. Also, If we see today's political environment, there is a ruling party and the opposite party. So, when a decision is made which benefits the people in the nation the opposite party may disparage the decision than providing acceptance. Therefore an effective political leader should know how to balance between both and react to situations.

In today's life we see advancement in technology. So, any move / deal made by the politician is caught live and revealed to the public through media. Government should adhere to the principles of the democracy and act secretly/ transparently to grow the nation. Being completely honest will not reap good results always, it may exacerbate the situation at times. Therefore, I feel that a politician should foresee the effect of some matters revealed and act wisely to drive the nation in peace.